Sunlife ARC Business Meeting January 8, 2024
President Jim Steinmetz, VP Steve Wagner, Treasurer Cheri Goforth, Sect. Roy gager
Meeting called to Order at 10:00 a.m. by our President Jim Steinmetz
Health and Welfare by Sue Rogers, K7MAD Dave’s daughter has cancer. Please keep her and others with cancer in your prayers.
Tom Goforth reported Rick McGavin, Miss Anna, have Covid.
Minutes of Previous Meeting were read. There was a correction noted about the December 50/50 Where Dave K7NEX donated his portion back to the club.
Motion made to accept the minutes with this correction was made, 2nd, carried.
Treasurer’s Report was read. Motion made to accept report as read, 2nd, carried.
Old Business Change to applications for Bob Bingham Scholarship fund to be received by the first part of April, voted on, made available for fall session. Discussion, Recipient must have a Ham License. Amount is $500
Presentation from Bill Mader of ADXA ( Albuquerque DX Association ) about noise problem, noise challenge, interference causes, solutions, grounding, and bonding
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Next week January 15th, A Sunlife guest speaker Herb Goodluck, the son of John Goodluck, a WWII Code Talker, will give a presentation.
Pancake Breakfast on Thursday February 1,2024 at 8 - 9:30 a.m. Red Mountain Park
by Dave. Please sign up to attend so the amount of persons is known.
Reminder of Hamfest this Saturday and Terry Ryan’s Celebration of Life at his Daughter’s. Address is on the Sunlife web site.
50/50 42 Present, $37 in pot, $18.50 each for club and winner AB0LV
Motion to Adjourn, 2nd, carried at 11:20 a.m.
Roy Gager -KD9WRC
Secretary of Sunlife Amateur Radio club