Sunlife Business Meeting Minutes

19 April 2021

Meeting held over the internet via Zoom provided by Doc Cunningham and called to order at 1301 by President Sue Rogers.


Health and Welfare Reported that Larry Taylor fell at home.


Minutes of previous business meeting (15 Mar) read by Secretary, Chuck Rogers, and, by motion, approved as read.


Treasurer's Report-- Treasurer Goforth read report--Moved and seconded to accept report as read—motion passed


Old Business—Thumb Drives—Bill Maynard, Doc Cunningham, and Jerry Davis will consult together about possibility of updating drives and giving them/offering them to future new members. Will report at some future meeting.

Honorary Members—President Rogers will scan records to see if any current members are qualified to be Honorary Members with help of Glenn Sicks. Report at future meeting


New BusinessReport from Equipment Manager, Doug Ward—MFJ 259 Analyzer needs to be check for accuracy. Some Band Pass Filters are missing, anyone know where they are? PowerPole Crimper Set missing. When checking out equipment will need to specify date for return of item. Check out of items used to conduct meeting must have approval of club officer. It was suggested that a computer camera be purchased for use in meetings. Greg Watkins offered to donate camera to club for this use—he and Doug will confer to see if this camera will work.

Zoom Meetings over Summer—It was decided that rag-chew get-to-gerhers via Zoom would be conducted over the summer thanks to Doc Cunningham donating his time and zoom account.

Zoom Meetings conjoint with In-Person meetings—Doc Cunningham, President Rogers, and Vice President Towers will look into feasibility of allowing out of town members to join meeting via Zoom.

Discussion about changing time of 20 meter net—After lively discussion, will keep times the same as now and Jerry Davis will check the website to see if times are accurately reflected on website. If interference, will move that days net up or down 10 (preferably up).

Membership Roster on Website-- This is being updated and inactive members and non dues paying member are being removed to keep information of members only available to those in good standing. Dues can be given/mailed to any club officer, or mailed to website address available on QRZ listing for W7ASL.

Comment from Hugh about previous SOTA presentation—Dwight Carlson has over 4000 chaser points and he, Hugh McLaughlin, has over 1000. Way to go guys.



Adjourned – 1415


Respectfully submitted, Chuck Rogers, Secretary