Sunlife Business Meeting Minutes

14 December 2020

Meeting held over the internet via Zoom provided by Doc Cunningham and called to order at 1312 after computer/internet problems by President Sue Rogers.


Thanks for those who attended the Christmas Party at Organ Stop Pizza—successful meeting.

Guests etc. – Welcome Rick McGaver returning who had Covid-19 but fully recovered.

Health and Welfare Diane Hoffman still trying to get well/ standing/walking. Mell Livingston not doing well, lack of energy. Anna Bliss fell last night and broke collar bone, must wear sling for 4 months, and still has Covid. Sally Lee—keep her on your prayer list for medical conditions. Jerry Davis arthritis & degenerative bones in spine—something he will just have to live with. Ken Noble's wife only one kidney and have to put in stent in remaining kidney. Jeff Freeman has metabolic issues. Martha Spencer still struggling with Nick's loss. Pat Redigrout not doing well because of cancer treatments. Pat Malin with back/neck spinal issues. Keep these people of prayer list.

Laura Bingham doing better, energy level raising.Larry Taylor doing well after receiving stent. Jim Speck spouse feeling much better after her fall.

Meeting Location – Greenfield Village still closed and not to open for foreseeable future

Dues – $10/year due in January on an annual basis

Official Club Roster – in process of being updated

Presentations Needed – please consider what you can present or suggest someone you know who can educate us on something.

Titan Missile Museum – planned for Monday Dec 28, between Christmas and New Year to use the discone antenna to make contacts and to tour the museum if desired. There is a usual stop for late lunch on the way back. Car-pooling is recommended. Contact Tom Goforth, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. No meeting on December 28.

Quartzpause – Club officers attending 17-23 January so next business meeting will be 11 January and 18 January will be with Vice Pres. Ralph Towers conducting meeting.

Snowbird Field Day – after discussion, Tom Goforth made motion to cancel the Field Day for 2021 because of Covid distancing requirements. Motion seconded. Motion Carried.


Minutes of previous business meeting (16 Nov) read and approved as read.


Treasurer's Report-- Current Bank Balance $2567.91, petty cash $279.99, education fund $1286.90. Moved and seconded to approve report as read. Motion carried.


Old Business – none


New Business – Jerry Davis suggested we raise dues. After discussion, Doc suggested appointing committee to look into the situation and give report at next business meeting. Jerry, George, and Cheri appointed to dues committee.


Joke – “I almost said something when Esther fell out, but $50 is $50!”


Adjourned – 1358 24 people attended


Respectfully submitted, Chuck Rogers, Secretary