President Jim Steinmetz, VP Steve Wagner, Treasurer Cheri Goforth, Sec. Roy Gager
Meeting called to Order by our President at 10:00 a.m.
Health n Welfare, by Sue Rogers on numerous people that need our prayers. Discussion about sending Get Well Cards to members and spouse by card or email.
Secretary Report, Minutes of February Meeting were read. Motion to accept report as read was made, seconded, passed.
Treasurer Report, was made. Total in all funds $5522.19 Motion to accept report as read was made, Seconded, motion carried.
Old Business, Comments and recognition of Snowbird Field Day was made by President Jim Steinmetz. 53 attended, 11 Stations active, well run, Excellent food, Great because of the efforts of so many. A special Thank You to Cheri Goforth for all her efforts that helped make this a special day. Can we improve next time?
Discussion on the acceptance for applications deadline to the Bob Bingham Memorial Fund. Forward to new business.
New Business, Honorary Membership to the Sunlife ARC that qualify. Paid Members for 10 years or are 80 yrs old. A list of eligible names was read by our President.
List below. A motion to accept these people listed was made, seconded, motion carried.
Christmas Party discussion now because of scheduling. Options, Organstop Pizza, Venture Out, Catering, Golden Corral, Greenfield Village.
Motion to use Organstop Pizza again. Motion failed. Thats out. Next business meeting we will have more discussion on options.
Bob Bingham Scholarship Fund. Applications acceptance extended to summer. Discussion on how this fund is awarded and used by a recipient. Will it be awarded directly to the chosen recipient? The committee will decide the recipient.
Motion to extend acceptance of applications from March 20 to July 15th was made, 2nd,
50/50 In attendance 41. $36 in pot. $18 each. Winner Bill McVicors KP0NJA
Motion to Adjourn made, 2nd, Carried @ 11:13 AM
2023-24 Qualified for Honorary Membership
Gary Adams k7GBA, Daryl Bethea K7GGG, Anna Bliss WA8VTS,
Tom Goforth WY7TG, Cheri Goforth N7WEM, Jim Hood K5TT, John Hovdenes KE0BOF, Daryl Hurst K9QEW, Norm Kellmam AF7GJ, Larry Miller WA0BDN, John Mocho KC5QOC, Jim Moy AC7RD, Chuck Rock KK7KBU, Frank Rust AC0NN,
Ora Smith W9DJ, Ray Vasquez KK4RMV, Ron Wasko N8KX, Bill McVicars