Sunlife AR Business Meeting February 5, 2024
President Jim Steinmetz, VP Steve Wagner, Treasurer Cheri Goforth, Sec. Roy Gager
!0:00 am. A Presentation by Charles Brown NJ7V Experimenting and Operating radio outdoors from different locations. Equipment used and yearly Contests.
10:37 am. Meeting Called to Order by our President Jim Steinmetz
Health & Welfare by Sue Rogers Thank you for the card. Keep all in your prayers.
Cancer especially.
Secretary Report, By Roy Gager was read. Motion to accept as read. 2nd, Carried.
Treasurer Report. By Cheri Goforth was read. Motion to accept as read, 2nd, Carried
Old Business,
Treasurer Audit Report competed, totals correct. Reported by Chuck Rogers. Motion to accept report made, 2nd, carried.
Equipment Audit Report completed, everything there. Reported by George & Doug.
Motion to accept the report made. 2nd, carried.
Field Day February 28th Motion made to limit $200 for food. 2nd, carried. There is a sign up sheet for attendance plus other items needed to bring side dish, condiments, snacks, drinks. Another sign up sheet for transmit on what bands.
Judy commented , A Big Thank you to Dave Gardner for providing and cooking the Pancakes in the Park breakfast for the club members. How great it was. Very much appreciated. Reminder to Thank Dave the next time he is here.
New Business
Next month Need to acknowledge people deserving to be eligible to become life members of Sunlife ARC. Need to vote on.
Christmas Party Discussion, Oasis or Organ Pipe Pizza pros and cons. Think about it.
Vote in March meeting.
Crystal Sculpture Award presented to
Joke of the day by Hugh KL7HM
Meeting Adjourned, motion made, 2nd, carried @ 11:08 am.