Sunlife Radio Club Business Meeting December 18, 2023
President Jim Steinmetz, V.P. Steve Wagner, Treasurer Cheri Goforth, Secretary R Gager
Meeting called to Order at 10:03 a.m. by our President Jim Steinmetz
Health & Welfare by Sue Rogers Terry Ryan’s Celebration of Life will be on January 13, 2024 in Peoria. All are encouraged to attend. The exact address will be on the website. Terry was a respected member of our club.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting were read. Motion to accept made, 2nd, Carried
Treasurer’s Report Read. Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report Made, 2nd, Carried
There were 76 attending the Christmas Party which was a huge success. A motion was made to reimburse the Treasurer the $50 tip at the Christmas Party. 2nd, carried.
Old Business
Volunteers needed , Treasurer’s Audit. Judy and Tony. Nominating Committee. Judy, Tony, Dave Gardner. Finance Audit Committee, Chuck, Sue Rogers, Anna. Equipment Audit. Glen, Doug
The Scholarship Fund was changed to the Bob Bingham Memorial Fund.
Recommended Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws from Club Officers.
Change the Constitution to read. The Monthly Business Meeting to be changed from the third Monday to the first Monday of the month unless that day is a Holiday. Then it will be the next Monday of that month.
Change Bylaw Article 4 Section 1A When New Elected Officers assume duties. Change the voting from March to December.
Some discussion why it is believed these changes are necessary and beneficial to the Club.
New Business Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws per Recommendation of Officers
Constitution Article 7 Section one to read. The Business Meeting will be on the first Monday of the month instead of the third Monday unless a Holiday is first Monday then it will be the following Monday of that Month. Motion made, seconded, carried.
Change Bylaw Article one Section two. Monthly Business Meeting to be the first Monday of the Month Unless a Holiday then the next Monday of that month. And
Article four Section 1A The election of Club Officers will be held at the Business Meeting in December. The New officers will be introduced. The new Officers will take over their duties starting in January. Motion Made, 2nd, carried.
With the new changes a Motion was made to accept the Current Officers to continue their duties into the new year by acclamation. Each Officer was asked individually if they accepted the nomination. The current Officers agreed to accept.
Doc brought up the changes needed for the applications to the Bob Bingham Scholarship Fund.
Nothing decided. Postpone to the next Business Meeting.
50/50 $44 in Pot. $22 to K7NEX Richard. $22 to Scholarship Fund 44 in attendance.
Motion to adjourn, second, carried at 11:08 a.m.