Business Meeting Minutes
15 November 2021
Meeting held at Greenfield Village and also via ZOOM provided by Doc Cunningham began 1000 conducted by President Sue Rogers.
Returning-- Tom Liska returning having lost abt 35 pounds.
New members-- Steve and Becky Linsicom
Health and welfare? Falls—Dick Vance is doing OK. Jim Steinmetz reports that Art Hoffman fell again but is doing better. Jim still subbing as net control for 10 meter net.
Announcements--Christmas Party sign-up passed around for party at Organ Stop Pizza, 12 December, $6.50 each, all-u-can-eat pizza, Salad, with drinks and ice cream extra cost.
Badges-- sign up passed around, cost $10
Titan Missile Museum-- sign up for trip on 30 December
Upcoming Hamfests announced-- 4 Dec - Superstition Hamfest Superstition Springs Mall, and others
Shirts, Jackets, Hats—with club logo available—see Cheri Goforth.
Lunar Eclipse 19 November early AM (maximum at 0202) with simultaneous meteor shower
Tech Plus License—prior to 1978 can be automatically upgraded to General—see Bob Bingham
Birthday—Tom WY7PG birthday today 72 yrs old.
Minutes of October business meeting read by Chuck Rogers, Secretary. Moved and seconded to accept the report as read. Motion passed
Treasurer's Report read by Treasurer, Cheri Goforth. Moved and seconded to accept the report as read. Motion Passed
Old Business—Thumb Drives—motion by Bill Maynard—Purchase 100 64 Gig thumb drives to give to new members who join and available for purchase at no more than $10 each. Motion seconded. Motion passed
Honorary Life Membership—Roster is being scanned by President Sue Rogers with assistance of Glenn Sicks for qualified people to be recommended for Honorary Life Membership. Starting with 90yr old members. Bob and Sally Lee, Doug Stewart, Ken and Jackie Erickson, Don Austin, George Marquette. Moved to accept this list of 90 yr old as honorary members. Second, Motion Passed.
New Business-- Proposed by Equipment Manager, Glenn Sicks, to auction off unused equipment that is taking up space in cabinet. Motion to proceed with said Silent Auction in several stages, first stage to be finalized at next business meeting. Motion seconded and Passed
Eating place after business meeting—Golden Corral closed, Lin's and China City are available.
ARCA Membership—Club activity coordinator should we join? Look up membership requirements and benefits. Distribute Ham Radio License plate proceeds to clubs. Cost $35/yr. Table until next business meeting.
50/50 $13 Bill Maynard
Meeting Adjourned 1115
Respectfully submitted
Chuck Rogers, Secretary