Other Events
Every January we start classes for all 3 levels of Amateur Radio. Starting the first or second week in January. The classes last for 7 weeks and we give the FCC Exam after the classes are finished.
Please email one of the officers of the club, for information.
Electronics club:
When: every January
Where: Venture Out Resort, in the Electronics Building.
We study electronics, and try to understand some of the basics of circuits, and radios.
Also teach you how to study for the amatuer Radio exam.
Thursday Weekly Events
We have 2 weekly Thursday events. These events are year-long events. In other words they happen 52 weeks of the year.
Event: Ham Radio in the Park.
Where: Red Mountain Park
Nov - Mar: West side of the park, entrance off of Sunnyvale Rd.
Apr - Oct: East side of the park, entrance off of Brown Rd.
We bring radios, and antennas. We make contacts, test new antennas, and chat with other hams. Some of us go to one of the local restaurants afterwards.
In short, we have fun. Don't worry if you are a new ham, we have mentored (Elmered) new hams into various phases of our hobby, from how an antenna is made, put up, and tuned, to how to use the radio, and make contacts.
Event: Special Interest Group at Red Mountain Library
Where: Red Mountain Library @Thinkspot
When: 1300 - 1500, local time
We hold a SIG every Thursday afternoon @Thinkspot (in the back of the Library)
Our special group, has a lot of interesting people, and we do some very interesting things, that every Ham Geek needs to do to be satisfied.
Currently, our topics include (but are not limited to):
- Raspberry Pi
- Arduino programming
- 3D printing and CAD design
- Antenna design
- Learning linux
- Model Airplanes & Drones
- Mesh networking (AREDN)
- Other stuff
One Time Events
Titan Missile Museum/Ham Radio @ Discone Antenna
(some time in the Spring)
SunlifeARC/VOARC Christmas Party (@ Venture Out)
Sunlife Field day (pot luck in the Park, will be held in February, lots of antennas, lots of fun)